Installment loans with no credit

If you have good credit, chances are you will get approval fairly easily for the loan and credit products you want. It is important to note that this is not 100% of the cases. Sometimes consumers become overly concerned about getting a high credit rating for a variety of reasons. They then accumulate loan and credit card debts in order to achieve the perfect score. But, in reality, too many loans and credit cards will hinder your ability to get a long-term loan, putting your credit rating at risk. Not so long ago, having bad credit meant that you probably couldn't find a reputable lender willing to work with you. Now, while bad credit is not desirable, there are several lenders and creditors willing to provide loans and credit products that you desire. Are there long term loans for consumers with bad credit who want their credit not checked? The answer to this question is yes and no. Not because almost all long term loans are large loans...